Say “Yes” to the Process

Growth, Inspiration, Maturity, Relationships, Self improvement, Soul, Spirit, Wellness, Womanhood / Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Stephanie Johnson, CEO Singles & The City
This time last year, I was a hustling, full-time CEO who had the opportunity to film a
Lifetime TV reality show. Filming for a month, I spent most days pinching myself
because I could not believe this was my life. After years of vision boards with my
name in lights, me attending award shows, even appearances on late night with
Steven Colbert – this was a dream come true. 
A few years prior, I had lost every single material thing in my life (the car, the amazing apartment, organic food, my boyfriend, friends scattered – you get the
point. I was laid off from my corporate job, received a severance and NEVER
thought I would be jobless more than 60 days. As a well-connected person in the
city, why would I be? With this objective, I did my due diligence, applied for jobs
everywhere, had my resume professionally tweaked, the whole nine. But after not
even having an interview in the first 3 months, I knew I had to start looking into
other options. I received some great business advice and took my then hobby
Singles & The City, and was able to turn it into a full-time hustle and new
career. And when I say HUSTLE – I mean HUSTLE. I began to quickly see
opportunity in other states, and in 2 years I managed to open 3 new chapters across
the country. Meanwhile, I have an eviction letter on my apartment door, Lexus is
saying they are coming to get their car, and I’m calling to make “payment
arrangements” to different utility companies. 
A few financial miracles came through from my church and some friends – but still, I lost it all. Sold
things I had saved money to purchase, and got a storage unit for the rest of my
things. My puppy Zoe and I have had our season of couch-surfing, ride-sharing and
being grateful for what others can bless us with. 
I remember spending that season decreeing and declaring that God was faithful,
GOOD and that He had a plan. Most importantly, I remember determining in my
heart to go through the process. 
You’re presented with a challenging situation as a Believer of Christ. A choice has to
be made. Choosing to ignore the opponent that just stepped in the ring isn’t going to
make it any easier. But looking that situation right in the eye and saying “I choose to
trust the promises of God regardless of what it looks like” will empower you for
what’s to come. 
And let’s be honest, most of the time you feel strength arise because you think that
will cut the trial pains in half, right? I know I did. I thought that by opening a bill and
literally writing – “all my bills are paid in full” with tears in my eyes would
automatically grant me the next miracle and immediate deliverance out of the
situation. As a single woman, I was constantly tempted to date and move in with
wealthy, unequally yoked men in order to “get my bills paid” like so many ladies do when
they don’t want to endure the trials that come to purge your character. 
As time went on, the pruning continued in other areas I wasn’t aware of before.
Things that I would’ve never taken responsibility for were exposed when I went
through that season. And you know what? When you say YES in the ring the first
time – it WILL BE the hardest. You don’t know how long this trial will last, what has to
be sacrificed, but you WILLINGLY and blindly trust God to see you through! The
sacrifice of willingly trusting Him in the dark – is the key that will propel you and
grant the strength and endurance needed to bite through that next level of purging.
Purging isn’t the best feeling to your flesh – but it’s oh so necessary. I want to
encourage you to step into the season of “Yes Lord” Whatever it takes for me to be
pleasing to you and carry out Your will – I say YES. None of me and all of You – I say
He’s blessed me portion by portion. And with endless lessons learned, He graciously
and carefully propelled my life from carnality, to lack, to gratitude, to deliverance-
and now, freedom and overflow. I didn’t get my car or apartment back, but after 3 ½
years without a corporate career, God has opened a door for me in a place I never
considered or expected. In the past year, I’ve since left Texas and joined the team at
an incredible corporation where I’ve already received a promotion within my first 2
months. Where my life is now, is unexplained, never ending joy. Not because of the
increase and replanting, but because I had determined in my heart to ALWAYS make
the choice of choosing Him when it looks the darkest. 
Stephanie Johnson is a brilliant force of passion, productivity and unbridled determination. In her relationships, work endeavors, and walk with God, she consistently pursues purpose in an effort to bring life to the community she has been called to. As Singles & The City CEO and Founder, she is devoted to helping singles find joy, peace, and wholeness in their singleness through unique social events in Dallas, Austin, LA, Chicago, and Detroit. Stephanie shares her life’s work and adventures with the world on her YouTube channel Behind the Scenes with Oh So Stephanie where you’ll find her trying new recipes, restaurants, and being the best fur mom she knows how to be to her pup, Zoe St. Laurent. Stephanie also recently launched her Singles & The City Podcast where she dishes all things single, living, and dating.

One Reply to “Say “Yes” to the Process”

  1. “Choosing to ignore the opponent that just stepped in the ring isn’t going to
    make it any easier. But looking that situation right in the eye and saying “I choose to
    trust the promises of God regardless of what it looks like” will empower you for
    what’s to come.”

    That is GOOD stuff right there. Love it!

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