Postpartum Find #3: be intentional

Growth, Marriage, Maturity, Motherhood, Wellness, Womanhood / Friday, August 31st, 2018
This week I want to share about another truth I’ve discovered–especially in this season of postpartum: being intentional. 
In earlier years, I liked to call myself a “free bird,” a “free spirit,” or even a “rebel.” I’d do things on my own time, letting some things go undone under the guise of ‘I don’t want to be a control freak.. you know, the one with an itinerary for everything’ or ‘it must not be that important.’ 
Wow! How backwards!! How deceived! 
Praise God as I’ve matured over the years, I’ve learned that being intentional is the most efficient use of my time. I’m rediscovering this truth even more so in my current season. Being home and around the house more often is showing me the importance of time, scheduling, creating and sticking to simple routines. With these practices, intentionality makes its way into our home,  giving us more freedom and more control in the end to ensure the important things do happen. So here are a few tips to think about as you practice becoming more intentional. 

(1) Create to-do lists—as many or as few as you need. When my 3-month-old takes a nap, I have a to-do list with about 3-5 things on deck so that I can work toward those things during her downtime. The to-do lists do a few things: 1) they help me remember what needs to get done (Lord, help my memory!!), 2) they help me stay focused throughout the day, and 3) they give me a sense of accomplishment when I mark through the tasks with a thick, black line or a check-mark in the end! I typically keep one running list that’s divided into categories: at home/personal, church-related, work-related, groceries, etc. I sometimes even pull from this list and create a shorter, more focused list that I post on the kitchen counter that serves as a reminder for what’s most important that day. 
(2) Post a family calendar, so the entire family is in the loop about the day-to-day events happening! It takes the pressure off of just one person knowing the ins and outs of the week and gives ownership to everyone else in the family. I even go as far as intentionally giving my 9-year-old specific activities to write in on the calendar, so she knows the importance of scheduling and making time for what we like to do. Post the calendar in a central location where all family members have access to it and see it regularly. That way upcoming events and tasks stay fresh & everyone is on alert. 
(3) Make room for intentional communication in your household. So here’s what used to happen to me. I’d be doing the most throughout the week, not giving adequate thought to our schedules or needs.. Just kind of taking it as it came.. Then, the day of an event would roll around or something was due, or a big decision would be left to me without having properly discussed it with my husband because I hadn’t made time to.. Stuff like that! And in those times, our quality of life was negatively affected because the lines of communication were compromised. Oftentimes it would cause confusion & frustration in my household which I hated because I knew God was not the author of confusion. 
I had to realize that my time with my family is invaluable and I must account for what is discussed and accomplished in that time. So now what I try to do is this: during the day when I’m thinking of important events or decisions that need to be made, I generate a list around those topics as well as decide on the best time to bring them up to my family. Most of the time it’s around the dinner table. It doesn’t matter the time, as long as you are intentional about working it into your schedule! 
(4) Reflect on what’s most important to you, and make time for that no matter what. One of the most important things in our family is spending quality time with each other. Now this can look a million different ways, but as a family, we are always conscious of the impact of quality time—or lack thereof. So no matter what, we make time for it. This could be scheduled outings on the weekends. It may be fro-yo on a weeknight after dinner. It could be curling up on the couch together to watch our favorite family competition show (e.g. The Four, World of Dance, or Shark Tank, etc.). Sometimes it’s grabbing our favorite book, taking our different corners in the living/dining room and reading quietly together for half an hour. The list. goes. on. All I’m saying is, if you know that quality time (or whatever the “thing”) is most important to you, MAKE TIME FOR IT no matter what. Don’t allow the unfulfilled hours of today lead to regret and disappointment tomorrow! 
Being intentional means living life with purpose! So the friendships you want to cultivate, the relationships you want to nourish, the appointments that are priority, & the lifestyle you want to live requires you to be intentional. Intentional thinking, planning, and living on the front end allows for less stress, freedom, and a home where creativity thrives in each member of your family. So give it a shot!

Plan on purpose, live intentionally, and watch your lifestyle bear much fruit in the season you’re in! 

Mrs. Bri Walker