Postpartum Find #4: be balanced

Growth, Health, Inspiration, Relationships, Soul, Spirit, Wellness / Monday, September 17th, 2018

I joined a new small group earlier this month and delve right into a discussion about responding to pressure. One of the ladies in my group shared how she typically responds to pressure when going through it with someone else. She said whatever approach the other person takes on (i.e. panic or plan), she will assume the other role in order to bring balance to the situation. She said she really hates to be the person who panics; she’d much rather provide the logical plan; however, in an effort to remain balanced, she embraces whichever side the other person doesn’t embrace. I thought that was interesting. Even in times of pressure we have an innate desire to experience balance in our lives even at the expense of our comfort level.

Now, I’m not saying we should go to the extent of stretching ourselves every time balance is necessary. However, I would encourage you to shape up your “yes” and your “no” so much so that your life organically begins to breed balance, creativity, and maturity on a consistent basis. You’ll find the more you embrace balance, the more it’ll come naturally for you in future seasons of your life. In this season of postpartum, more so than any other, I’m rediscovering the significance of balance.

Body Balance
Consider your meals: balanced. Consider your workouts: balanced. Consider your bank accounts: balanced. Being balanced in your body means taking note of your input and output as far as meals, workouts, and rest are concerned. I think the easiest realm to understand is the balance of body because of its tangible nature. We see the results of balance more clearly on the exterior of our body when we’re not eating right, or exercising adequately, or drinking enough water. We see the effects of imbalanced finances more clearly when our spending habits far outweigh the amount in our accounts. With that being said, research & maintain a balanced diet. Give your body adequate rest, but don’t oversleep. And when working out, balance your exercise, so 1) your body stays engaged and doesn’t become too familiar with your routine and 2) so you are giving multiple parts of your body attention rather than just one focus area all the time. Be involved in your family, your work, and your community without burning yourself out with overexertion or the need to please everybody. But I;m sure you’ll agree with me, for the most part, we all know to do these things. (I said “know…” I didn’t say we’re all actually accomplishing them!) Nonetheless, my point is, physical aspects of balance can be a little easier to grasp since they are concrete. So, I’d like to take a moment to discuss balance for the soul and the spirit because this is where it can become a bit tricky. If we are urged to keep the important aspects of life balanced discussed above, how much more should we aim to maintain balance within our spirit and soul?

Soul Balance
Being balanced in your soul (your mind, your will, and your emotions) means taking inventory of what you are feeding your soul. We all remember the book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul… The series compiled true stories that inspired readers of all backgrounds and ages. It was a book to feed inspiration to our souls. The same is true for whatever else you find yourself reading, watching, listening to on a regular basis, and meditating on. Balance in your soul means you’re assessing all of those things in order to know what needs to increase and what needs to decrease. Sometimes I find myself watching my favorite show throughout the day for more than an hour.. And then, I quickly realize–sure, I’ve enjoyed the comedy–but I haven’t fed my soul any inspiration or education today. So, then I enlist YouTube to help me find an encouraging word from one of my favorite pastors or an informative podcast that can teach me something new. Even more, our soul (mind, will, and emotions) are fed by those who we surround ourselves with. Take inventory of who you keep as company. For every friend you pour great advice and counsel into, make sure you’ve aligned yourself with friends who can also pour into you. It’s truly about taking the time to take inventory of what’s coming in and what’s going out of our lives. Even the word of God declares in Romans 12 that we are to renew our minds daily with the word so that we won’t conform to the world around us. For the time we spend at our jobs, in social circles that drain us, and so forth, let’s remember to fuel our soul with the best foods that encourage, empower, and equip us to live victorious lives.

Spirit Balance
We are spirit beings. We have a soul. And we live in a body. When I think about balance in our spirit, I think about the fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5. These fruit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Jesus said in John 15:5, “I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you remain in me, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Whenever I find myself being short or frustrated with my family or people I work with, I typically evaluate my spiritual balance. Have I made time for the Word of God? Have I spent time in His presence? How’s my prayer life? Is my heart trusting in God’s grace or is it trusting in my own strength? More often than not, the answer to one or more of these questions is less than desirable. I wish I could say I’m a naturally nice person, but the truth is, I NEED JESUS in this area!! Apart from Him I can do nothing. My spirit is easily tainted, weakened, and disconnected from Him when I don’t spend time in His presence. And when I find myself making time to maintain balance in my spirit, all other areas of life become beautifully balanced as well. Being balanced is for you, first, but it subsequently blesses all those around you.

My friends, there’s nothing like the peace (and all the other fruit) that comes from a true relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the pathway to a balanced life–spirit, soul, and body.My prayer for you today is that you would evaluate what’s going in and what’s going out of your own spirit, soul, and body. Take inventory of what needs to go and what needs to be added. And release your trust in the One who is able to provide exactly what you need no matter the space you find yourself in your life. I love you, and more importantly, Jesus loves you!

Happy Balancing Until Next Time,
Mrs. Brianne Walker